Ano: 2002 - Trabalhos Completos em Anais de Eventos Internacionais
SALUM, M. J. G., PERES, A. E. C. Iron ore flotation: surface contamination effects on quartz flotability. In: The Iron Ore Industry: Today and Tomorrow, 2002, Kiruna. The Iron Ore Industry: Today and Tomorrow. Kiruna, p.138-153, jun. 2002.
SILVA, I. A., SILVA, C. A., ASSIS, P. S., LEAO, V. A., SESHADRI, V. A Fundamental Study on Viscosity of Multicomponent Powder Flux Slag for Continuous Casting of Steel a Mathematical Modeling. In: International Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing, 2002, New Delhi. ICAMMP-2002. New Delhi, p.567-574, fev. 2002.
SESHADRI, V., SILVA, C. A., SILVA, I. A. Lime-Based Flux Injection For Pig Iron Refining In Industrial Ladles. In: International Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing, 2002, New Delhi. ICAMMP-2002. New Delhi, p.473-482, fev. 2002.
SILVA, C. A., SILVA, I. A., SESHADRI, V., PERIM, C. A., GANDRA, C. A. Ladle Change Over and its Effects upon Tundish Operation. In: International Conference on Advances in Materials and Materials Processing, 2002, New Delhi. ICAMMP-2002. New Delhi, p.561-567, fev. 2002.
CASTRO, L. F. A. Evolution of hot metal production in Brazil and Argentina. In: Joint Symposium of Vdeh Blast Furnace Committee and South American Blast Furnace Operators, 2002, Dusseldorf. Joint Symposium of VDEh Blast Furance Committee and South American Blast Furnace Operators. Dusseldorf, p.01-06, set. 2002.
TAVARES, R. P., VIEIRA, F. B. Methodology for selection of mould fluxes for continuous casting of medium carbon and stainless steels slabs. In: Steelmaking Conference, 85, 2002, Nashville. 85th Steelmaking Conference Proceedings. Warrendale, p.165-174, mar. 2002.
CETLIN, P. R., CORREA, E. C. S., AGUILAR, M. T. P. The Prediction of the Residual Tensile Uniform Strain of AISI 304 Stainless steel Drawn Bars. In: ESAFORM - European Scientific Association For Material Forming - Conference On Material Forming, 5th ESAFORM, 2002, Cracóvia. Anais... Polônia: [