Programa de Pós-graduação em Engenharia
Metalúrgica, Materiais e de Minas | UFMG

Produção Acadêmica

Ano: 2012 - Resumos Expandidos


DUARTE, G.; CIMINELLI, V.S.T.; DANTAS, M.S..S.; VASCONCELOS, I.F.; OSSEO-ASARE,K.; KUBICKI, J.D.; WATTS, H. Evidences of arsenic (III) precipitation on iron (III) oxy-hydroxides from the combination of Raman spectroscopy, density functional theory calculations, and extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy. Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Arsenic in the environment - Understanding the Geological and Medical Interface of Arsenic - Ng, Noller, Naidu, Bundschuh& Bhattacharya (eds), p. 381-383, 2012.

DUARTE, G.; CIMINELLI, V.S.T.; GASPARON, M.; MELLO J.W.V. Evaluation of 10 years stability of concentraded arsenic-sulfide tailings. In: 4th International Congress on Arsenic in the environment - Understanding the Geological and Medical Interface of Arsenic - Ng, Noller, Naidu, Bundschuh& Bhattacharya (eds), Proceedings, p. 423-425, 2012.

ANNONI, R.; SOUZA, P.S.; PETRANIKOVÁ, M.; Mis Kufova, A.; HÁVLIK, T.; MANSUR, M.B. Submerged-arc welding slags leaching strategies. In: Kammel s Quo Vadis Hydrometallurgy 6, 2012, Kosice. Proceedings , Vol. 1, p. 252-253, 2012.

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